Friday, March 4, 2011

Holt is 4 Months!!

Another month has flown by.  You are transitioning quickly out of the infant stage and into the baby stage.  You don't just lay still anymore.  You have not rolled over yet but you are getting very close.  You notice everything around you and will reach out to grab it or touch it.  It's becoming very fun because you will play with toys now.

You have lost a lot of the hair you were born with.  We used to be able to style you in a mohawk but that is no longer possible.

You weigh 14.2 lb (30th percentile).  You are 25.5 inches (75th percentile).  And your head circumference is 44.5 (90th percentile).  Don't blame me about the head, that's all your Daddy's fault!

You still have an enormous flat spot.  Dr. Owen still doesn't seem to be concerned.  He says as you start to roll over and sit up, it should correct itself.  And he says it won't be noticable once your hair grows in.  But rest assure, if it doesn't correct itself, your Momma will get you a helmet to fix it.  One day, your football team might shave their heads for a big game and then everyone will discover your lumpy head.  We can't have that!

You have finally outgrown some outfits.  You wear mostly 3-6 months clothes but the really cute 0-3 months outfits that I can't bear packing away yet, I still squeeze you into.

You are still toothless but you drool a TON!!  And you're very talented at blowing bubbles with your spit.

You will sit happily in your Bumbo for 5-10 minutes  now.  You still tend to lean a bit but not nearly as bad as you used to.

You are becoming extremely spoiled.  We have noticed that when you are awake, you want to be held.  And that's usually what you get.  Houston is a really big helper in this area.  He will sit and hold you while watching TV.  You don't seem to mind Nickelodeon one bit!

Your bedroom is still the living room since Hawkins has been sick for nearly a month.  One day, you guys will share a room.  You've only slept in your crib once and that was for a morning nap.  One day, hopefully soon, you and Hawkins will be roommates.

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