Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break Day 5

Since our week had been so busy, I decided to just have a home day.  Personally, I really needed a break from the go-go-go and figured the boys would appreciate some time to play with their toys/DS/Wii.

It wasn't but an hour after breakfast and Hayes was grumbling about being bored.  Poor guy.  I'd hate to imagine the attitudes I would have gotten had I not planned anything for them this week!  However, we managed to keep everyone happy up until the time to drop them off at Grandma & Grandpa's.

It was another beautiful day.  When we arrived, the kids had fun playing in the sand table and fighting over pirate characters.  I headed home for another date night with Adam and Holt.  The kids got ready for the hockey game.  It would be the last one for them to attend this season.

All in all, it was a great way to wrap up a great week!

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