Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The 31 Flop

This pretty much sums up Adam's 31st birthday attempt.

I had gigantic plans for his big day that I had been planning for nearly a week.  However, coming off of Hawkins' overnight hospital stay, I was left void of any energy or excitement.  I tried to muster what little I had left but it was futile.

The '1' candle was M.I.A. so I opted for a 30-something cake.

After Adam successfully blew out his one candle, Hawkins immediately removed it from the cake, spilling hot wax all over his hand.

He immediately burst into tears.

Which scared Holt, who also burst into tears.  Both of them were inconsolable for a good 3 minutes.

Pretty much the only redeeming qualities of the birthday were the hot wings and the super plate I painted him.

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