Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break Schedule

Today begins Spring Break.  In efforts to avoid sitting around the house for an entire week, I have made a schedule of activities.  We'll see how I'm doing by Thursday with this schedule.  Confession: Several days a week, I don't even get out of my pajamas.  What's the point?  I'm just cleaning around the house.  Therefore, getting dressed and ready and out the door every day this week sounds daunting.

Monday:  It's supposed to rain.  So we will do indoor activities.
Tuesday:  Pump It Up
Wednesday:  Zoo (finally using our zoo passes that were given to us two Christmas's ago) and the kids are spending the night at Grammy and Papaw's
Thurday:  We're going to a cool playground that the kids haven't been to in ages and The Rendezvous for dinner.
Friday:  Bike riding with our friend, Abby and spending the night with Grandma and Grandpa after attending a hockey game.
Saturday:  Camping out with Dad

We're going to fill our down time with at-home activities that the kids have requested (some of which I detest--can you guess which ones?)

Baking cookies
Movie night
Wii family night

Here's to a great Spring Break!

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