Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Belated Valentine from Hayes

Once a week, Hayes' teacher sends home a blue folder stuffed with a medium sized tree's worth of papers.  Seriously, the environment wouldn't be in such grave shape if there was no kindergarten. All the paperwork and artwork that Hayes has completed in the last week or more gets jammed and crammed into the folder.  I rummaged through all the papers and discovered a Valentine's card that he had made.

I grinned as I looked it over.  My heart began to melt a little as I surveyed it, thinking that surely it was going to be addressed to me.  I began to take a closer look...

This is the inside.
The love letter was addressed to "my dog".  I was a bit puzzled since we do not have a dog.  When he returned home, I asked him about it.  "Hayes, what dog are you talking about?"  I thought perhaps he was going to say Blue, since that is the stuffed animal that he asked Santa for and he is quite fond of.  No, that wasn't the dog.  "Tiki" he replied.  So let me get this straight, you wrote a valentine's card to a dog that hasn't lived with us in nearly a year and when he did, you hated everything about him.  Huh.

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