Saturday, November 13, 2010

Puppy Love

Lately, Hayes and Hawkins have been role-playing as puppies.  They alternate the role of puppy and master.  But more recently, Hawk has been the puppy.  He'll even be a puppy when no one else is playing with him.  He crawls around on all fours and says "Wuff, wuff."  Sometimes if you do not acknowledge him as a puppy, he will make sure you know what he's doing by repeating, "Hey, me puppy." until you address him as a puppy.

The other night, he crawls over to me and starts whimpering as he climbs into my lap.  He looks at me, places one hand on each of my shoulders and leans in for a kiss.  A puppy kiss that is.  He licked my face!  I died laughing.

Well again tonight, as most nights, he was playing his role, up until the time to go to bed.  He crawls all the way back to his bed, randomly barking along the way.  I help him climb into his crib.  I give him a kiss on the head and tell him, "Goodnight, I love you."  (To which he usually replies, "I yuv you.")  But tonight, those gigantic puppy dog eyes lit up as he gave me the biggest grin.  He simply waved as he said, "Wuff, wuff."  And nestled down into his bed, frog BB in mouth.

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