Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

So I haven't blogged in a while.  Forgive me, I have a lot going on!  Holt will be here in 40 hours or so.  With the delivery so quickly approaching, I took advantage of the evening to do what most expectant mothers would do who are way behind on being ready to bring a newborn home.

1  We finally carved our Halloween pumkin
2  The kids finished painting their pumpkins
3  I made some banana bread with some bananas that were going to breed fruit flies
        at any moment
4  We voted
5  I loaded all the pictures off all my memory cards (and then erased them--thanks
        for the encouragement Natalie)
6  And I am catching up on my blog

Serious concentration!

Now if I could find the time/energy to do the things most prudent to have a newborn like:

1  Retrieving the baby clothes from the attic
2  Washing them and putting them away
3  Straightening the house
4  Packing my three children for a weekend at Grandma's
5  Packing my bag for a weekend away from home

Be sure to scroll down and check out all the new posts (including Houston's 7th birthday which is amidst some posts that you've already seen).

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