Sunday, November 7, 2010

Delivery Facts

* We didn't have to be to the hospital until 10am.  We got your biggest brothers off on the bus, dropped Hawkins off at Mother's Day Out and even stopped by PCS to turn in some measurements.

*Your delivery was scheduled for noon.  The time flew by!  You were moving around so much that the nurse could not keep the monitor on your heartbeat.

*As I laid on the table waiting for your Dad to come hold my hand, I was wondering why in the world we thought this was a good idea.  (No offense Buddy, just totally scared at the moment.)

*You spun around so much in Mommy's tummy that your umbilical cord looked like a phone cord.  Apparently, this is uncommon because the hospital staff passed it around to all the staff in the OR.

*Dr. Li forgot to verify that you were in fact a boy.  He had to ask the nurses.  Then he said in his thickest Asian accent, "I was wishing ultrasound wrong and you get girl."  I quickly told him that would be terrible!

*The screaming you did right after you entered the world is the only time you have cried thus far.

*You didn't even cry when they bathed you for the first time.

*Aside from the times they had to take you to the nursery for hearing tests and what-nots, you only spent 4 hours out of our room.  Mom and Dad needed some rest the first night.

*Apparently, you share your birthday with a whole lot of other people.  The hospital was packed!  There were 48 mothers with 48 babies.

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