Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Santa Milk Jello"

Our children absolutely love boiled custard.  Since it is only available from Thanksgiving to Christmas, my kids consider it a real treat to enjoy.  Boiled custard is the beverage of choice for Santa at our house.  That is how it coined the term "Santa milk".

I poured the kids each a glass of Santa milk with their breakfast.  We later ran some errands and returned home early afternoon.  I could hear Hayes and Hawkins talking excitedly and giggling about "Santa milk jello" from the kitchen.  Detained at the moment by an infant with a bottle, I could not get up to inquire.  However, once the opportunity arose where I could investigate, I marched into the kitchen.  The only evidence left behind of the Santa milk jello was

 a ring of curdled custard in the bottom of a Christmas cup from this morning's breakfast

and a moustache on a quite content toddler.  Yum!  Yum!  The five year old had already fled the scene.

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