Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Awesome Christmas Present #3

Generally this video would need no explanation.  However, there is a story to go along with this precious video.  I had witnessed Holt smile at me once before Christmas.  Like a true, bonafide smile.  Not one of the gas smiles that newborns are known for.  This was a serious grin.  Since I was alone when he did it, and had no witnesses, I felt as though the validity of it might be in question.  Days passed and I could not get him to replicate it.  Until Christmas morning, that is.  After nearly choking half to death on his bottle, and throwing up the contents of his stomach, I laid him down to change his clothes.  While he was still undressed, he began smiling up a storm!  Adam was nearby with the camera and I hollered at him to come get this.  I kept telling Holt, "Good morning, Merry Christmas!"  To which he would give me an ear to ear smile.  I was even more delighted that it was all being captured on video.  That is, until Holt was done smiling, Adam went to stop the recording and as he pressed the button, the red light came on.  Ah yes, my darling husband had never pushed the record button to begin with.  So this video was captured a few days later.

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