Friday, December 17, 2010

Houston's Victory

(Blog title by Houston himself)

The kids and Dad have been taking jiu-jitsu for nearly a year.  We have been expecting a yellow belt for Houston for quite some time now.  Towards the end of the summer, the coaches let on that it would be really soon.  Each time they went to class, Adam and I would wait with anticipation, hoping that day would be the day.  Well, here it is the middle of December and both of us had given up "waiting" on it.  Just figured it would come when it comes.

Today was the day!  A little birdie told us to be looking for it.  Adam had kindly asked the kids' coach to text him the day he would get it so that I could attend and we could be ready with the camera.  We received the text around 11am.  Adam was like a giddy little child on Christmas Eve all day long.  As we sat through class, Alex again texted us that he might not make it in time to give it to Houston during the first class.  Time passed and still no Alex.  Adam, like a human countdown clock, continued to apprise me every few minutes of the remaining time in class.  "Five more minutes."  Class ended.  No Alex.  Sigh.  Now we had to wait for the next class.

Hawkins was getting restless (even though he ran laps with both classes, stopping to wave at us after each lap -- super cute btw) and I was getting increasingly more hungry.  As soon as Alex arrived, he came over to inform us that he would give Houston the belt right now instead of waiting until the end when they usually do.  They called the kids to line up facing the parents.  They had seen this before.  Houston knew someone was getting a belt.  As Alex said, "Today is a special day...."  Houston was looking down the line at all the kids trying to figure out who was getting a belt.

"Houston, come up here." Alex continued.  Houston could not believe it!  He was completely shocked.

The cutest thing about the above picture is the elation on Hayes' face.

The entire time Hayes was just so happy for his big brother.  It took about an hour for it to really set in before the emotion I knew was imminent to rear its head.  Hayes asked me sadly, "When do I get my belt?"

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