Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hark! The Herald

It's the last week of school before the kids are out for Christmas break.  They're bringing home all kinds of Christmas themed crafts that they have been making.  Most of them are for the tree.  They proudly dangle their handpainted construction paper ornaments in my face as they declare, "I'm gonna put it on the tree!"  I smile as I cringe inside.  Don't they know it's throwing off my themed tree?!

Today Hayes brought home a "present" for Adam and I that he had made at school.  It was wrapped in a white paper sack and decorated with a doily angel on the front.

I snickered as he handed it to me with an ear to ear grin on his face.  Surely he had accidentally brought home one of the other children's present.  "Did you color this?" I inquired.  "Yeah!" he emphatically responded.  I had to check the name on the back just to make sure.  Perhaps this is for all the times Adam bought his mother "Mahogany" Hallmark cards.

After snapping a quick picture of the package, he quickly opened the present for us.  Lo and behold three handpainted ornaments!  None of which are red, brown, or gold (my theme this year).  Go figure!  I suppose next year I will kindly email the teachers the theme of my tree so they can coordinate appropriately.

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