Thursday, December 9, 2010


Hawkins, Holt, and I stopped in Walgreens quickly to pick up some more Christmas lights for the tree.  Hawkins immediately spots the candy which is strategically placed at the front entrance.  His "I have candy" campaign ensues.  Trailing a few steps behind me and incessantly asking, "Mom, I have candy?" we located the Christmas aisle.  And yet again, strategically planned by Walgreens, the Christmas lights are directly across from the Christmas candy.  While I am considering the different options of lights vs the pricing of such, Hawkins is checking out the Christmas candy.  With each box, he picks it up and asks if he can have it.  I am continually telling him no.  On the way to Walgreens, he had polished off a sucker in the car that he had received at Mother's Day Out.  Nevertheless, he was not going to give up easily.  As I would say no, he just continued to pick up a different candy.  As if he were thinking, "Okay, Mom.  That one is no good.  Let's try this one!"

We wandered over an aisle.  He was hugging a box of Sugar Daddy's (or is it Sugar Babies?).  He spotted a bag of powdered donuts and began asking for donuts.  Realizing that I was not going to get out of Walgreens without buying the kid something, I agreed on the donuts.  I figured all the kids could enjoy them for afternoon snack.  At the announcement of my conceit, he jumped up and down while exclaiming, "Yeah, yeah yeah!"  He switched the box of candy for the bag of donuts.  We walk to the checkout.  While hugging the donuts close, he says, "I want donuts for Christmas."

My what his brothers and a bit of materialism have shown him!

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