Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sailor Cursing Toddler

Houston gave Hawkins a pepperoni stick for a snack.  If you haven't seen them before, they resemble a cheese stick, though it is instead pepperoni.  Hawkins came running in the room announcing his treasure to Adam and I.  It was just too funny that we had him repeat it for the camera.  He is attempting to say "stick".  Go figure--the kid can say pepperoni but a simple word like stick trips him up.

Disclaimer:  Neither Adam or I use these words at home.  So this is not him repeating something he has heard, it is merely a mistake in pronunciation that just so happens to be a curse word.  And if you are somewhere or with someone that you do not want to broadcast a cursing toddler, I advise against playing the following videos.

This post reminded me of a similar occasion this year where Hawkins was trying to say "rocket ship".  Since this was before the blog was created, I thought it would fit in here.

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