Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Lights - Griswold Style

Several years ago Adam and I's Christmas present to each other was to purchase outdoor Christmas lights.  That year we did it up!  Despite our efforts, we did not win the neighborhood lights award, which we are still contesting to this date.  We even left our toddler aged children (then 3 and 1.5) unattended inside the house for longer than Houston at that age should have been left to his own devices, for the sake of the Christmas lights.

Sidenote:  (Story of the first year we decorated the outside)  It was freezing cold that night and Adam was working on the roof.  He asked me for some help -- it was supposed to be a quickie.  We decided against bundling the kids up for such a minor aid.  Afterall, I would be back inside in no time.  Houston had been begging me for some popcorn.  I promised him that I would make him some as soon as I helped Daddy.  Adam ended up needing assistance longer than anticipated.  It wasn't until I re-entered the house, now billowing with smoke, and reeking of burnt popcorn that I realized how long I had truly been outside.  I ran to the kitchen to find Houston standing on a chair at the microwave, which was set to continue nuking the already burnt popcorn for another 22 minutes and 34 seconds.  End Sidenote.

Since that inaugural year, we have either skimped on the lights or not done them all.  Well, I decided this year we were going Griswold once again with the lights.  It did take much convincing, or perhaps forcing is the more appropriate term for it, for Adam to comply.

Last Saturday, Adam and the boys began setting up the lights.  It was a beautiful day and did not require a winter coat.  However, the wind was a bit chilly so Holt and I stayed inside.  It took nearly half the day to just stake all the lights in the yard.  Not thrilled about making this a two-weekend project, Adam invited his Dad over to help get the eaves and the roof done on Sunday.

By Sunday, it was bitterly cold.  Definitely one of the coldest days of the season thus far.  Apparently the wind I mentioned from the day before was blowing straight from the Arctic.  The kids tried to help for a while but succumbed to the cold and retired inside with Grandma, Holt, and me.

Thanks Dad for sacrificing your own lights this year in order to help with ours.

Over 25 strands of C9 lights, 12 extension cords, and a box of staples scattered amongst the yard, and the lights were done!  Not a moment too soon, as the temperature continued to plummet and we needed to head to evening church.  The house was beautiful.  Definitely "something you can be proud of, Russ."  As we returned home from church, the kids were thrilled over their beautiful, festive home.  Houston even commented that it was the best one in the neighborhood.  (One day he'll understand that was the whole point!  We do it for the award, not for the kids.)

So why are you posting this one week after the fact, you might ask?  Well, until tonight, that first night was the only night where everything worked properly.  Over the last 5 nights, we have blown tons of fuses, melted two extension cords, replaced blown bulbs, and tripped the breaker multiple times.  I was awaiting the opportunity to take a picture of the Schwartz's take on a Griswold home.

Without further adieu, I dedicate this house to the Schwartz Family Christmas:  (hum the Hallelujah chorus while scrolling/viewing)

Okay, it's not Griswold yet, but the aura of our house is visible several blocks away.  That must count for something!

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