Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Hawkins spent the night with my Mom and Dad last night.  The following was written by my father, whom Hawkins is named after.

Last night, watching "Land of the Lost", I was in one recliner and Hawkins was snuggled in the other with his Grammy.  I couldn't resist stirring the pot (you know how I am), "Hawkins, want to sit with me?".  Not taking his eyes off the tv, "Sit with Grammy".  Well I couldn't accept such a quick dismissal, so about 30 seconds later, "Hawkins, want to come sit with me?".  Being the well seasoned almost three year old diplomat, he replied "Not...yet".  You know what I mean, that slight hesitation between "not" and "yet".  Ok, a little encouragement there.  So, again another 30 seconds or so later, "Hawkins, wanta come sit with me?".  I shoulda' stuck with "not yet".  He tilted his head slightly in my direction, angled down ever so slightly, such that he could only see me with his left eye, and with a stern look on his face replied, " N..O 'pells 'no'! ".

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