At Holt's last check-up, the doctor determined that Holt has a contracted neck muscle that keeps him from looking to the right and causes him to favor the left side when he is sleeping. It's not really a big deal, other than it is causing a very unusual flat spot on the side/back of his head. My baby's pretty little c-section head is becoming misshapen.
My dad keeps telling me that Holt will develop scoliosis if he continues to sleep in the car seat. Adam's mom thinks the car seat is attributing to his neck problem. Alright, alright! Needless to say, I have begun to transition him out of sleeping in his car seat to sleeping in his pack in play.
So much for the car seat attributing to his neck problem, apparently it is just Holt, not his location. It's hard to tell from the picture, because he is somewhat swaddled still, but he's lying flat on his back and his face is cranked all the way around, almost nose touching the mattress. Makes me wonder if this is how he was positioned in my womb since he obviously prefers it.
I think you are correct about his preference before he was born. Keith has a twin and he was born with his neck weak on one side. They made him sleep with his head going the opposite way so it would strengthen and also lenghten. I forgot to say it was also shorter since he evidently laid his head on his brother's body. We think he also had a bite taken out of his left buttock because it still looks like a dip the size of a teaspoon is missing. It's no telling what those two boys were doing in the womb. LOL