Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Huey-ism Turned Hawk-ism

Houston sits with a girl at the lunch table who knows a little more about calories than a first grader should.  Apparently, while eating lunch, they study the calories of each item that either of them eats.  Houston even has the calories of some items memorized.  For instance, chocolate milk served in the wax paper containers has 160 calories.  He has continued this habit at home.  If something is not clearly marked with calories, he will ask us, "How many calories are in ____".

Tonight I was sitting with Hawkins on the couch.  On the side table next to him was a tube of Neosporin.  "How many calories in 'dis'?" he asked me.  He was not satisfied with my answer when I told him that there were none.  So then he picked up a bottle of lotion.  "How many calories in 'dis'?" 

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