Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hawk-ism: Chewing On Frog BB

Hawkins' creature comfort at bedtime is his Frog BB, which is just a fleece blanket with frogs on it.  He sucks on it every night instead of a pacifier and has so for years.  However, he refers to this action as "chewing."  Frog BB has been confined to Hawk's bed for some time now.

For several nights, I had unsuccesfully tried to convince Hawkins to just snuggle with his blanket, rather than put it in his mouth.  "Your brothers do not put their blankets in their mouths," I would explain.  I knew it was asking the impossible of him but that didn't keep me from asking.

Me:  Goodnight, Hawk-man.
Hawkins:  Night, Night, Mommy.
<bedtime kisses>
Hawkins:  Please I chew on Frog BB now?
Me:  No, buddy.
Hawkins:  Why not?  I just chew on him when you shut the door!

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