Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spooky-Filled Weekend

What a busy Halloween weekend!  We started Friday night watching The Great Pumpkin while enjoying some Whirly Pop popcorn.  Next, we moved to painting our pumpkins we had picked up several weeks ago at Priddy Farms.

Saturday morning we enjoyed a big bowl of sausage and gravy topped off with spiders, while watching Scooby Doo.  And headed off to the first annual Monster Bash at the Children's Museum.

The kids all made slime.

Hawkins would not touch it.

After wearing ourselves out, we headed home for lunch, which oddly enough had also been invaded by spiders.  The rest of the day was dedicated to getting together Halloween costumes, working on getting the house ready for a newborn, and finishing Scooby Doo.

Sunday morning we ate spiders for breakfast (chocolate covered donuts with pretzel stick legs and mini m&m eyes) and headed off for church.  After church, we finished Hayes' costume and it was off to Uncle B's short and sweet birthday party.  And from there we went to our church's Fall Festival.  We topped the evening off with a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It was very late by the time we got all the monsters home and in bed.  Needless to say, Mom and Dad wasted no time following suit.

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