Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Check-Up

Today was our next to last baby check-up with Dr. Li.  So hard to believe we are so close!  Nothing really exciting to report.  Except, oh yeah!  We have a birthday for little man now.

I was hoping for a Thursday delivery because it would be a little simpler since all the kids would be in school.  (Hawk goes to Mother's Day Out on Tuesdays and Thursdays).  Unfortunately, the hospital was already booked on Thursday so it was scheduled for Friday.  By some happen chance, later on in the conversation with Dr. Li, he mentioned me going to Methodist hospital for delivery.  My insurance will only allow Baptist hospital.

Turns out, he had booked the c-section at Methodist and after calling Baptist, we are scheduled for Thursday, November 4th.  Holt should arrive somewhere around 2 pm.  Now, there is always the chance that Holt will pick his own birthday, and I would love him to death if he would!  Of course, I will love him to death anyway, but I am kinda over the aches, pains, fat feet, and heartburn.

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