Oh, Hawkins! You are such a full-of-life-and-laughter child. It is so hard to believe that it's already been three years since we hurried to Houston's 4 year check-up just hours before having to be at the hospital for your scheduled arrival. And, you were three weeks early!
It took a long time for your personality to come through, but my, how big it is now! You didn't really start to talk much at all until after you turned two. Therefore, you're vocabulary as quadruple-millionized in this last year.
Everything you do is just so funny. You make the funniest expressions. You repeat everything. For instance, if we tell you that you're adorable, you reply, "No! YOU'RE adorable!
I feel like just about everything "baby" about you has vanished, just in the last two months or so. You sleep in a toddler bed, you're potty trained, you are great at riding your bike, you're becoming more mature (in a three year old way).
You are the bossiest of the boys. You don't let Houston's or Hayes' age or size intimidate you. Papaw says poor Holt doesn't stand a chance against you. But you do love being a big brother.
You still have meltdowns when things don't go your way. And you have the biggest crocodile tears anyone's ever seen!
You love to sleep! Sometimes we can't find you and it's because you have sneaked off to your bed and drifted off to sleep. You still sleep with Frog BB. Guess that will be the next "baby" thing to go.
You eliminate the first letter of some words.
spoon = 'poon
You pronounce your L's as Y's
like = yike
You are a lover. You adore hugs and kisses and you still request quite frequently that I hold you. (Might have something to do with you being sick for nearly three weeks but I'll take what I can get!)
You still love to watch Dora the Explorer and now consistently ask to watch "Baha 'Quarepants" (Spongebob Squarepants)
And you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pajamas! You get so upset when you have to put "real" clothes on. As soon as we get home, you ask permission to put jammies back on. Your nighttime attire defines you for the night. If you have on rocket ship pajamas, you run around the house with your arms stretched out in front while making blast off noises. If you have on monkeys, you ooh ooh aah aah the rest of the evening.
You are confused about your age since your brothers keep telling you that you're zero (since you were born on leap day.) But somewhere in those magical 6 hours between Feb 28 and March 1 is where your birthday fits in. Next year, you will have a real birthday and it will be so exciting!
Happy Birthday, buddy! We all love you so, so very much!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Weekend House Guest
This weekend we had a very important and special house guest. Fortunately, he is a very go-with-the-flow kind of guy since his visit was unexpected. We already had some Saturday plans that could not be cancelled.
We had a Chuck-e-Cheese birthday party to attend. |
He gets along well with others and is very happy to meet new friends.
He is not frightened by a little drool.
He is quite adventurous and enjoyed our late night walk around the park with flashlights. He was happy to help listen for bears in the woods.
And he's not picky about the sleeping arrangements.
Ollie, you're welcome back to our house anytime you want!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Christ City Church
We visited a new church today. My good friend attends there with her husband and son. We really enjoyed everything about it. The atmosphere, the message, the worship, basically everything. Adam and I are looking for a church that most closely resembles a New Testament church. This one is definitely a prospect.
After church, we asked the kids how they liked it. Houston said it was "silly". We asked him why. "Because they have a big guitar. That's silly."
Hayes agreed that he would like it if his friends were there. He was missing his Sunday School friends from our old church.
After church, we asked the kids how they liked it. Houston said it was "silly". We asked him why. "Because they have a big guitar. That's silly."
Hayes agreed that he would like it if his friends were there. He was missing his Sunday School friends from our old church.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Playing Fingers
This is Holt's new favorite activity/game. We call it "playing fingers". He attacks them and talks to them and of course drools and chews on them.
And as you can see, he is doing much better in the Bumbo!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Candy Monster
Apparently, this is what happens when the resident A.D.H.D. candy monster finds a bag of unattended goodies within paws reach.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Bike Riding Weekend
The weather has been exceptionally nice lately. Adam and I decided it was time to quit hibernating with the Wii and get the kids outside! We are committed to teaching the kids about exercise. Since we are not going to jiu-jitsu anymore, it is up to us to keep them active. What better way than riding bikes?!
Adam taught Houston to ride a bike last year but we had not ridden much since then. Hayes had always ridden a bike with training wheels. We pulled all the bikes down and it was mind blowing how small the bikes had become (aka how large the kids have grown).
It was obvious that Houston needed a new bike and everyone else would just graduate a bike. It was time to teach Hayes to ride without training wheels! The poor guy was terrified of even trying. He kept coming up with every excuse possible as to why he didn't need to learn to ride a bike. We were not going to let a little intimidation stand in our way!
Hayes had not been on a bike for nearly a year, and even then it was with training wheels. Surprisingly, he caught on really fast! It took less than twenty minutes to get him riding. However, he did not enjoy it.
He did such a great job! He didn't even fall. But, he never did smile. Hawkins sure did enjoy his "new" bike!
We couldn't slow him down! He even fell once, cried for a second, and hopped right back on. So the next day, we went to get Houston a new bike.
And we can't slow him down either! Then we all went on a walk/ride down to the park. (Hayes still never smiled, even though he made it all the way down to the park on his own.) We have since been on several more walk/rides and I have seen Hayes smile once, after I was praising him on how well he was doing. He still tries to come up with every excuse why he shouldn't ride his bike.
Adam taught Houston to ride a bike last year but we had not ridden much since then. Hayes had always ridden a bike with training wheels. We pulled all the bikes down and it was mind blowing how small the bikes had become (aka how large the kids have grown).
It was obvious that Houston needed a new bike and everyone else would just graduate a bike. It was time to teach Hayes to ride without training wheels! The poor guy was terrified of even trying. He kept coming up with every excuse possible as to why he didn't need to learn to ride a bike. We were not going to let a little intimidation stand in our way!
Hayes had not been on a bike for nearly a year, and even then it was with training wheels. Surprisingly, he caught on really fast! It took less than twenty minutes to get him riding. However, he did not enjoy it.
He did such a great job! He didn't even fall. But, he never did smile. Hawkins sure did enjoy his "new" bike!
We couldn't slow him down! He even fell once, cried for a second, and hopped right back on. So the next day, we went to get Houston a new bike.
And we can't slow him down either! Then we all went on a walk/ride down to the park. (Hayes still never smiled, even though he made it all the way down to the park on his own.) We have since been on several more walk/rides and I have seen Hayes smile once, after I was praising him on how well he was doing. He still tries to come up with every excuse why he shouldn't ride his bike.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The first night Hawkins slept in his new toddler bed, Adam figured that he would get up multiple times that night, since he was no longer in baby jail. However, we never heard from him. He has been in his toddler bed for several weeks now and has never gotten out of bed. It's only been the last couple of days that he has finally started to get out of bed on his own in the morning. He would lay in his bed waiting for me to come get him. As if he needed permission to get up. Every night as I tucked him in, I would remind him that when he wakes in the morning, to go ahead and come out. And again, it would be 9:30, I'd go peek in on him just to find him laying there quietly with his frog BB (blanket).
Well, last night he crawled out of his bed in the middle of the night. He whispered to me, "Mommy, mommy!" as he began inviting himself into my bed. "What you doin'?" he asked me.
I struggled to open my eyes. I moaned something at him to appease him so at least he would quit repeating, "Mommy?" I layed there, ignoring him, hoping he would march himself back to bed without uttering another word. Wishful thinking. I squinted to check the time on my phone. 12:30. I had only been asleep two hours. I forced myself out of the bed.
"Come on, bud. Let's go back to bed." I told him as I picked him up. After confirming that he did not need to make a pit stop on the way, I settled him back into his bed.
"I want pop tart."
"No, bud, it's late. You need to go back to sleep."
<commences crying> "I want pop tart!"
"No, buddy. Good night."
<crying escalates> "Pop tart!"
"Alright, stop crying. Stay right there! I'll go get you a pop tart." (Great parenting moment, I know. But I was extremely sleepy and not willing to argue with a two year old. I especially did not want him waking himself up so much that he would not go back to sleep. So, yes, I caved.)
I gave him his pop tart, in bed no less, and instructed him to go to sleep once he was finished. I'd deal with the strawberry-goo-in-the-hair in the morning.
Later that night:
I felt little taps on my arm followed by the sweet whisper, "Mommy?"
I moaned some kind of noise at him once again.
In a very perky and convincing tone, he then asks, "I have dessert now?"
That's when I nudged Adam and informed him that it was now his turn!
Well, last night he crawled out of his bed in the middle of the night. He whispered to me, "Mommy, mommy!" as he began inviting himself into my bed. "What you doin'?" he asked me.
I struggled to open my eyes. I moaned something at him to appease him so at least he would quit repeating, "Mommy?" I layed there, ignoring him, hoping he would march himself back to bed without uttering another word. Wishful thinking. I squinted to check the time on my phone. 12:30. I had only been asleep two hours. I forced myself out of the bed.
"Come on, bud. Let's go back to bed." I told him as I picked him up. After confirming that he did not need to make a pit stop on the way, I settled him back into his bed.
"I want pop tart."
"No, bud, it's late. You need to go back to sleep."
<commences crying> "I want pop tart!"
"No, buddy. Good night."
<crying escalates> "Pop tart!"
"Alright, stop crying. Stay right there! I'll go get you a pop tart." (Great parenting moment, I know. But I was extremely sleepy and not willing to argue with a two year old. I especially did not want him waking himself up so much that he would not go back to sleep. So, yes, I caved.)
I gave him his pop tart, in bed no less, and instructed him to go to sleep once he was finished. I'd deal with the strawberry-goo-in-the-hair in the morning.
Later that night:
I felt little taps on my arm followed by the sweet whisper, "Mommy?"
I moaned some kind of noise at him once again.
In a very perky and convincing tone, he then asks, "I have dessert now?"
That's when I nudged Adam and informed him that it was now his turn!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
We were playing several board games together today. Unfortunately, Hayes only won one so he was feeling a bit slighted. Nevermind the fact that he went on a winning streak yesterday and whooped us all repetitively. So entering lunch today, he was already feeling defeated. I served grilled cheese and once they finished their sandwich, they could have chips. He took a couple bites of his sandwich and then began whining about wanting some chips.
"Hayes, you must finish your sandwich before having chips. Otherwise, you will not eat your sandwich and just fill up on chips."
He let out a huge sigh in disgust. He nibbled a few more crumbs off his sandwich. "Now can I have chips? I just really want some chips!"
"Is your sandwich gone?" Adam asked.
Hayes buried his head in his arms and mummbled, "My life is falling apart!"
"Hayes, you must finish your sandwich before having chips. Otherwise, you will not eat your sandwich and just fill up on chips."
He let out a huge sigh in disgust. He nibbled a few more crumbs off his sandwich. "Now can I have chips? I just really want some chips!"
"Is your sandwich gone?" Adam asked.
Hayes buried his head in his arms and mummbled, "My life is falling apart!"
Friday, February 18, 2011
Brother Love
We've been sick around here for nearly two weeks. Hawkins and Houston got it first and they have since recovered. Hayes, however, is struggling. Today was the third day that he stayed home and Houston went to school. Bless his heart, he has been bored to death without his best friend. Hayes adores his big brother. (He adores his little brothers, too.) But when Houston is around, he does the entertaining and Hayes just follows suit.
"When's Houston gonna be home?" Hayes would constantly ask me between coughs and naps. He has not felt well enough to even play with him. However, he still desires Houston's companionship.
As 3:15 rolled around today, I asked Hayes and Hawkins if they would like to head outside to look for the bus and wait on Houston. No sooner had I spoken the words, were they flinging open the front door with huge grins. They had left the front door open (it was an unusually warm day for February) and I was a couple minutes behind them heading out.
Hawkins and I wait on the bus nearly every day. He plays in the yard, runs around the tree, walks the landscape rocks like a balance beam, anything to keep from being still while waiting to greet his brothers. When I started out the door, I was expecting to find them playing, especially since Hawkins is used to this routine.
However, this is what I saw:
They were both sitting down, chatting up a storm, surveying the streets, and waiting anxiously for their long, lost brother to come home.
"When's Houston gonna be home?" Hayes would constantly ask me between coughs and naps. He has not felt well enough to even play with him. However, he still desires Houston's companionship.
As 3:15 rolled around today, I asked Hayes and Hawkins if they would like to head outside to look for the bus and wait on Houston. No sooner had I spoken the words, were they flinging open the front door with huge grins. They had left the front door open (it was an unusually warm day for February) and I was a couple minutes behind them heading out.
Hawkins and I wait on the bus nearly every day. He plays in the yard, runs around the tree, walks the landscape rocks like a balance beam, anything to keep from being still while waiting to greet his brothers. When I started out the door, I was expecting to find them playing, especially since Hawkins is used to this routine.
However, this is what I saw:
They were both sitting down, chatting up a storm, surveying the streets, and waiting anxiously for their long, lost brother to come home.
Facing Fears
Hawkins has always been afraid of the vacuum. Not deathly afraid, just always cautious when it's turned on. He doesn't scream or cry. However, he will not sit on the floor while you vacuum around him. In fact, as soon as he sees you get the vacuum out, he heads for higher ground, preferably behind the safety of one of his big brothers.
Today, Hawkins was playing right beside the cord to the vacuum and the outlet, which also happened to be just a few feet from the big red monster that eats dirt and cat hair.
I asked him if he would please plug in the vacuum. I had momentarily forgotten that he is scared of it. He nervously giggled at first, as he reached for the plug and stared at his greatest fear. He was torn between his fear of the vacuum and his desire to be a helper. He inched closer and closer, staring straight on at the vacuum the entire time. It's as if he thought it would miraculously turn on and suck his left foot off before having a chance to escape.
He found refuge behind the column as he sneaked his arm towards the outlet with the plug clasped in his hand, still not taking his eyes off the vacuum.
Today, Hawkins was playing right beside the cord to the vacuum and the outlet, which also happened to be just a few feet from the big red monster that eats dirt and cat hair.
I asked him if he would please plug in the vacuum. I had momentarily forgotten that he is scared of it. He nervously giggled at first, as he reached for the plug and stared at his greatest fear. He was torn between his fear of the vacuum and his desire to be a helper. He inched closer and closer, staring straight on at the vacuum the entire time. It's as if he thought it would miraculously turn on and suck his left foot off before having a chance to escape.
He found refuge behind the column as he sneaked his arm towards the outlet with the plug clasped in his hand, still not taking his eyes off the vacuum.
He got it plugged in. And surprisingly, he still has both feet attached. He even grinned with pride once the task was completed.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Holt's Bumbo
The Bumbo seats were new when I had Hawkins. He loved sitting in it! I'm pretty sure he was about 2.5 months when he would sit happily in there. As long as I placed him near me, he would sit for a good 20-30 minutes while I folded laundry, cooked dinner, etc. I've been anxious to get Holt in his seat. I think it will establish a bit of freedom back into my schedule.
I've been trying him in the Bumbo since he was two months old. Since he is now over three months old, I figure he's got to be ready for the Bumbo seat. However, Holt has a large flat spot on the back-left side of his head due to the muscle contraction in his neck and months of sleeping funny. Because the left side is flat, the right side looks monstrously oversized. Well, not so much, but we do call him Mr. Lumpy Head.
He has really good neck control now. You can sit him up on your lap and he will hold his head up and look around taking in all the action before him. But as soon as you place him in the Bumbo, his head topples to the right. His head gravitates to the right shoulder and he can not correct it. I'm beginning to wonder if he is right-side heavy since the flat spot is on the left.
I've been trying him in the Bumbo since he was two months old. Since he is now over three months old, I figure he's got to be ready for the Bumbo seat. However, Holt has a large flat spot on the back-left side of his head due to the muscle contraction in his neck and months of sleeping funny. Because the left side is flat, the right side looks monstrously oversized. Well, not so much, but we do call him Mr. Lumpy Head.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Hawk: Mommy, I gotta tell you a seek-it (secret).
I bend down so he can whisper in my ear.
Hawk: I wuv you.
I bend down so he can whisper in my ear.
Hawk: I wuv you.
A Safe Breakfast
Hawkins has figured out how to leave his breakfast to ensure that no one will snack on it while he is away.
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Precious Valentines
Your dad and I think that you all are the most amazing little boys in the whole world! We feel so very, truly blessed to be your parents. There are not sufficient words to describe how much we love you. You guys are so wonderful, each in your own perfect way. Happy Valentine's Day!
Houston, you are a real go-getter and the best helper. You have such a wonderful servant attitude. Failure is not an option for you when a task has challenged you. You will complete it or die trying. You are assertive and an excellent big brother.
Hayes, you have such a sweet spirit and a very giving nature. You love to share anything with anyone. You wear your heart on your sleeve. Things that break a friend's heart, also breaks yours. You are patient and a go-with-the-flow individual. You complete everything in your own time.
Hawkins, you are Mr. Personality. You say and do the funniest things all the time. You are a true comedian. You have big eyes, and you know it, and you use them to your full advantage. You are strong-willed but also tender hearted. You love to love.
Holt, we don't know the extent of your character yet. But so far, you are the sweetest, happiest baby. You love to laugh, smile, sing, and talk. You are such a joy to have around.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Rocketeers
We have discovered rocketry and really enjoy our new family hobby. A while back, Adam picked up two miniature rockets for the kids that you put together and paint. He also purchased a two-stage rocket called The Mongoose. (Two stage means that it has two engines so it launches and then re-fires in mid-air to soar even higher).
We headed back to the park today to shoot the new rockers. It was an extremely windy day, probably not the best day for rockets. It was certainly a great day for kites. Unfortunately, we brought rockets and not kites. We decided to shoot Hayes' rocket first. The little rockets are so small, they have no parachute. They simply tumble back to the ground. After firing it, we followed the smoke into the air and saw a large puff of gray smoke at the climax of the climb. We could not see the little, blue rocket. Go figure. We stood around bewildered for a second. We thought that Hayes' rocket might have blown to bits.
Adam thought it would be a good idea to shoot Houston's rocket, watch where it lands, and then look for Hayes' in about the same place, assuming it did survive. Houston's rocket is just slightly larger but it is yellow. Should be easier to spot against the blue sky, right?! We launched it. Same thing. It was nowhere to be seen.
We began a search party. Adam took the boys to the other side of a large ravine, where he thought they landed. I stayed close to the launch sight with Holt in his stroller and a very tempermental Hawkins. Not expecting to find anything, I began walking around. Sure enough, there was Houston's rocket! I was ecstatic! I yelled over to Adam that I had found it. I kept looking around for Hayes'. Not two minutes later, I located his rocket as well. It was truly an exciting experience.
Feeling victorious, we decided to launch the Metalizer (one that we had launched previously). Fail. It only launched about fifteen feet in the air, turned horizontal and shot straight for a soccer field full of kids. We thought it was going to take someone's head off. Fortunately, it landed short of the soccer field and all the kids lived to see another day.
Finally, it was time to shoot the Mongoose. It went so high into the air. It was amazing. Then the high winds kicked up. Adam took off running, trying to stay under it. I quickly realized that we were going to need our car to retrieve it as I watched the parachute drift farther and farther. I yelled at him to return so we could pack up and locate it. I had a general idea of where it might have landed so Adam and Houston went on a walk to try and find it while I drove around looking in other locations. I searched the Malco parking lot, Easy Way, Exxon, and everything else on that block. After searching for over 20 minutes, Houston, still with Adam and seperate of the car and the rest of us, began to panic. "What if we never find Mom? How will we eat? How are we going to get home?"
We all rendezvous-ed back together with nothing. We could not find the rocket. With that large of a search area, it began to feel hopeless, especially since it was quickly becoming dark. If only we had the forethought to put on the rocket, "If found, please call ______" In one last attempt, I described again what I saw when I lost sight of the rocket. Adam pulled into the library parking lot. Sure enough, there was the rocket! I spotted it lying on the asphalt.
The Mongoose had drifted 0.6 miles away from the launch sight and we retrieved it without a GPS locator. It still amazes me when I think about it. Of all the rooftops, treetops, and streets that it could have landed on or in, it landed right where we could find it.
However victorious we felt that day, we will save the windy days for kites.
We headed back to the park today to shoot the new rockers. It was an extremely windy day, probably not the best day for rockets. It was certainly a great day for kites. Unfortunately, we brought rockets and not kites. We decided to shoot Hayes' rocket first. The little rockets are so small, they have no parachute. They simply tumble back to the ground. After firing it, we followed the smoke into the air and saw a large puff of gray smoke at the climax of the climb. We could not see the little, blue rocket. Go figure. We stood around bewildered for a second. We thought that Hayes' rocket might have blown to bits.
The blue rocket is 4.5 inches. The yellow rocket is 6 inches. |
Adam thought it would be a good idea to shoot Houston's rocket, watch where it lands, and then look for Hayes' in about the same place, assuming it did survive. Houston's rocket is just slightly larger but it is yellow. Should be easier to spot against the blue sky, right?! We launched it. Same thing. It was nowhere to be seen.
We began a search party. Adam took the boys to the other side of a large ravine, where he thought they landed. I stayed close to the launch sight with Holt in his stroller and a very tempermental Hawkins. Not expecting to find anything, I began walking around. Sure enough, there was Houston's rocket! I was ecstatic! I yelled over to Adam that I had found it. I kept looking around for Hayes'. Not two minutes later, I located his rocket as well. It was truly an exciting experience.
Feeling victorious, we decided to launch the Metalizer (one that we had launched previously). Fail. It only launched about fifteen feet in the air, turned horizontal and shot straight for a soccer field full of kids. We thought it was going to take someone's head off. Fortunately, it landed short of the soccer field and all the kids lived to see another day.
Finally, it was time to shoot the Mongoose. It went so high into the air. It was amazing. Then the high winds kicked up. Adam took off running, trying to stay under it. I quickly realized that we were going to need our car to retrieve it as I watched the parachute drift farther and farther. I yelled at him to return so we could pack up and locate it. I had a general idea of where it might have landed so Adam and Houston went on a walk to try and find it while I drove around looking in other locations. I searched the Malco parking lot, Easy Way, Exxon, and everything else on that block. After searching for over 20 minutes, Houston, still with Adam and seperate of the car and the rest of us, began to panic. "What if we never find Mom? How will we eat? How are we going to get home?"
We all rendezvous-ed back together with nothing. We could not find the rocket. With that large of a search area, it began to feel hopeless, especially since it was quickly becoming dark. If only we had the forethought to put on the rocket, "If found, please call ______" In one last attempt, I described again what I saw when I lost sight of the rocket. Adam pulled into the library parking lot. Sure enough, there was the rocket! I spotted it lying on the asphalt.
The Mongoose had drifted 0.6 miles away from the launch sight and we retrieved it without a GPS locator. It still amazes me when I think about it. Of all the rooftops, treetops, and streets that it could have landed on or in, it landed right where we could find it.
However victorious we felt that day, we will save the windy days for kites.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The Wii Ticket
For years we have bribed, threatened, begged, pleaded, paid off, and everything else we could think of, to get our children to try new foods. (If you remember the hot sauce pay off.) This always made for an extremely unpleasant dinner experience. The other day, on a whim, Adam announced to the kids that we would play the Wii after dinner. But, they would need a ticket. This greatly intrigued the kids. He held up a yellow bell pepper. "This is your ticket." Houston and Hayes dropped their mouths wide open and their eyes grew very large in disbelief. Then Adam explained the rules.
Whoever eats their 'ticket' then partakes in a family team tournament of Mario Kart just before bed. It is their choice whether to eat the item or not. Hawkins is currently exempt from the game since he is not old enough to play the Wii, though we still offer him the ticket. (He usually declines.)
Both boys chomped down their pepper as soon as it landed on their plate. This was their first time ever having a bell pepper. They made the goofiest faces while chewing it and quickly finished it off by gulping the rest of their beverage. They both said they liked it, however, declined any seconds.
We never intended to take the ticket any further than that first night. But apparently we were on to something because the kids loved it. So much so, that the next night they were the ones inquiring about the ticket. "What's our ticket tonight?" they asked.
Since then, they have tried pickles, asparagus, and all sorts of things that they would otherwise turn their noses at. None of which they have asked for seconds on.
Yesterday, to switch things up a bit, their ticket was more of a step of faith. It was a Gobstopper, but they didn't know that. They had to close their eyes and let us drop it in their mouth. Once they hesitantly opened their mouth and realized it was candy, they laughed.
Our new game is so much fun and it gets them trying things that we would normally have to threaten their lives to get in their mouths. Then, as a reward, we all enjoy a fun race, working together and team building. We are also able to teach them about encouraging one another. Hawkins even plays along using the steering wheel and pretends to drive. It has become a nightly tradition. We look forward to having them try more things like zucchini, salad, and brussel sprouts.
**Disclaimer: we never ask them to eat anything that neither of us would eat ourselves.
Whoever eats their 'ticket' then partakes in a family team tournament of Mario Kart just before bed. It is their choice whether to eat the item or not. Hawkins is currently exempt from the game since he is not old enough to play the Wii, though we still offer him the ticket. (He usually declines.)
Both boys chomped down their pepper as soon as it landed on their plate. This was their first time ever having a bell pepper. They made the goofiest faces while chewing it and quickly finished it off by gulping the rest of their beverage. They both said they liked it, however, declined any seconds.
We never intended to take the ticket any further than that first night. But apparently we were on to something because the kids loved it. So much so, that the next night they were the ones inquiring about the ticket. "What's our ticket tonight?" they asked.
Since then, they have tried pickles, asparagus, and all sorts of things that they would otherwise turn their noses at. None of which they have asked for seconds on.
Yesterday, to switch things up a bit, their ticket was more of a step of faith. It was a Gobstopper, but they didn't know that. They had to close their eyes and let us drop it in their mouth. Once they hesitantly opened their mouth and realized it was candy, they laughed.
Our new game is so much fun and it gets them trying things that we would normally have to threaten their lives to get in their mouths. Then, as a reward, we all enjoy a fun race, working together and team building. We are also able to teach them about encouraging one another. Hawkins even plays along using the steering wheel and pretends to drive. It has become a nightly tradition. We look forward to having them try more things like zucchini, salad, and brussel sprouts.
**Disclaimer: we never ask them to eat anything that neither of us would eat ourselves.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
While heading back in the house today, Hayes noticed icicles hanging from the gutter. Never having prior knowledge of their existence, he reveled at them. "Mom, can I have one?" he asked. I agreed and he embraced it as though it was buried treasure. He looked around the great outdoors (aka our driveway)and began to realize that there were icicles everywhere! "Can I go get some more?" he begged with wide eyes. I found him a pair of gloves and off he went. He began bringing them in one by one. After he had a decent sized pile in the foyer, he proudly declares, "Look how many I caught!"
A few minutes after the pile had been collected, Adam walks through. Having no knowledge of Hayes' successful treasure hunt, "What the heck are icicles doing on the floor?"
A few minutes after the pile had been collected, Adam walks through. Having no knowledge of Hayes' successful treasure hunt, "What the heck are icicles doing on the floor?"
Dishes' Bubble Bath
The schools were closed today and Adam was not working due to all the snow we received. So my darling husband decided to let me sleep in. He even fed the kids breakfast so that when I awoke, I was not immediately surrounded by three starving little vultures. Then, he cleaned the kitchen! So sweet! He is always willing to clean the kitchen, if I ask him. However, it is very rare that he will just take the initiative to load the dishes. I had used the last of the Cascade the night before. Being the make-it-happen kind of guy that he is, he was not going to let some Cascade shortage impede his progress. So he decided to handwash the dishes? No, that couldn't be it. A little Dawn dish soap couldn't hurt? Could it?
I thought this only happened in the movies. At least I got a mopped floor out of the whole mess.
I thought this only happened in the movies. At least I got a mopped floor out of the whole mess.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Daddy, We Need to Talk
Dear Daddy,
Thank you for taking me with you to Walgreens today. I really enjoyed our quick detour involving you doing donuts in your car at the snow covered parking lot. Once we arrived at Walgreens, I was especially impressed with the avalanche of snow that fell on me when you opened my car door. I know by the time we got home, I had dozed off for a very small cat nap. I also know that you were very concerned with getting the groceries in and stopping to say hello to Mommy. She distracted you with an important and exciting phone call that needed to be made. Houston was very concerned with showing you his new advances on his Pokemon game. Hawkins was sick and looking the most pitiful ever, so you felt compelled to give him a long hug and then a nose wipe. I just want you to know that I don't hold it against you that I was alone in the car for twenty minutes or so. After I woke up, I watched the snowflakes fall outside the window. I was a very good boy and did not cry. Because of the nifty little car seat cover, I stayed very warm and cozy, even though it was a frigid 29 degrees outside. I knew you would come get me, eventually, even if Mommy had to inquire about my presence first. But if it isn't too much to ask, next time could you at least leave radio on?
Thank you for taking me with you to Walgreens today. I really enjoyed our quick detour involving you doing donuts in your car at the snow covered parking lot. Once we arrived at Walgreens, I was especially impressed with the avalanche of snow that fell on me when you opened my car door. I know by the time we got home, I had dozed off for a very small cat nap. I also know that you were very concerned with getting the groceries in and stopping to say hello to Mommy. She distracted you with an important and exciting phone call that needed to be made. Houston was very concerned with showing you his new advances on his Pokemon game. Hawkins was sick and looking the most pitiful ever, so you felt compelled to give him a long hug and then a nose wipe. I just want you to know that I don't hold it against you that I was alone in the car for twenty minutes or so. After I woke up, I watched the snowflakes fall outside the window. I was a very good boy and did not cry. Because of the nifty little car seat cover, I stayed very warm and cozy, even though it was a frigid 29 degrees outside. I knew you would come get me, eventually, even if Mommy had to inquire about my presence first. But if it isn't too much to ask, next time could you at least leave radio on?
So it snowed a good three to four inches today or maybe more, maybe less. Who knows?! I'm not a good gauger but you get the point. It snowed a lot! I was so thankful that my kids were completely content playing inside. No one asked to play outside! It could have something to do with the fact that this is like the fourth time in a month that we have had snow on the ground.
However, Hayes did want some snow cream. He reminded Adam that the last time it snowed (two days ago) we forgot to make some. They placed a bowl outside to collect snow. It took everything in him to resist the urge to check on the bowl every two minutes. He was so excited!
Adam makes some serious snow cream with sweetened condensed milk. What isn't fantastic with a can of sweet milk from heaven?! I'll bet my kids would even eat squash if it was drenched in that stuff. Sadly, we were out so Adam took Holt and Hayes to Walgreen's to pick some up, stopping first at a parking lot for some donuts in the CRV. (In case you didn't already know, at Walgreen's you pay for convenience. At $4.19 a can, it better be some sweet milk straight from heaven!)
By the time they got home, the bowl was filled with snow and ready to make cream. Everyone had a delicious portion but no one enjoyed it more than Hayes.
However, Hayes did want some snow cream. He reminded Adam that the last time it snowed (two days ago) we forgot to make some. They placed a bowl outside to collect snow. It took everything in him to resist the urge to check on the bowl every two minutes. He was so excited!
Adam makes some serious snow cream with sweetened condensed milk. What isn't fantastic with a can of sweet milk from heaven?! I'll bet my kids would even eat squash if it was drenched in that stuff. Sadly, we were out so Adam took Holt and Hayes to Walgreen's to pick some up, stopping first at a parking lot for some donuts in the CRV. (In case you didn't already know, at Walgreen's you pay for convenience. At $4.19 a can, it better be some sweet milk straight from heaven!)
By the time they got home, the bowl was filled with snow and ready to make cream. Everyone had a delicious portion but no one enjoyed it more than Hayes.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Huey-ism Turned Hawk-ism
Houston sits with a girl at the lunch table who knows a little more about calories than a first grader should. Apparently, while eating lunch, they study the calories of each item that either of them eats. Houston even has the calories of some items memorized. For instance, chocolate milk served in the wax paper containers has 160 calories. He has continued this habit at home. If something is not clearly marked with calories, he will ask us, "How many calories are in ____".
Tonight I was sitting with Hawkins on the couch. On the side table next to him was a tube of Neosporin. "How many calories in 'dis'?" he asked me. He was not satisfied with my answer when I told him that there were none. So then he picked up a bottle of lotion. "How many calories in 'dis'?"
Tonight I was sitting with Hawkins on the couch. On the side table next to him was a tube of Neosporin. "How many calories in 'dis'?" he asked me. He was not satisfied with my answer when I told him that there were none. So then he picked up a bottle of lotion. "How many calories in 'dis'?"
Houston received a Pokemon sticker book while we were in Texas, nearly a month ago. He and his cousins had fun putting the really large stickers on pieces of construction paper. The "art" miraculously came out of hiding today and Houston treated them as though they were his long, lost friend. I was not as impressed with them because they kept ending up on my kitchen counter. (We have a rule: No toys in the kitchen) I told him that if he wanted to keep them, then he must find a place for them. Obviously, he thought the living room floor would be a great place. A little while later when Adam discovered this new storage spot, he again gave Houston the option to keep them somewhere out of the way or throw them away.
Adam: So, what are you going to do with them? Are you keeping them or throwing them away?
Houston: I'm keeping them for like ten years! I just need a really special place to put these.
Adam: Okay. But why are you keeping them for ten years?
Houston: Well, after a long time, I'm gonna take them to that place where they sell things.
Adam: (confused) What place are you talking about?
Houston: You know, where they have really old stuff with the old man and the guy with no hair. People get lots of money for their old stuff.
Adam: (no longer confused, and now laughing) You mean Pawn Stars*?
Houston: (his face lights up) Yeah! I'm gonna sell them my Pokemon pages in like ten years and get a whole bunch of money!
*Pawn Stars is a reality show on the History Channel that Adam and I (and apparently Houston) like to watch. It is a pawn store in Las Vegas and the things featured on the show are always amazing pieces of history or total junk.
The Sweetest Sound
As to not confuse anyone, I am referring to the baby's laugh...not Adam's singing, which is surprisingly sweet this time.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Morning Report
After putting Hawkins to bed last night, we never heard a peep out of him! Adam was off today, and after getting the big kids off to school, we sat around anxiously waiting for sleepyhead to get up. He emerged from his bedroom around 8:15 am. As he headed towards me for a morning hug, it overwhelmed me how everything "baby" about him is just about gone. I guess I'll squeeze those little chubby baby cheeks a little more often, since it's about the only remnants of Baby Hawkins left.
Holt was thankful to enjoy his crib for a morning nap.
The Big Move
We've been putting off transitioning Hawkins out of his crib and into a toddler bed, totally for selfish reasons. It is so nice when a nap is mandatory for both of our sanities, that I can stick him in baby jail and not worry about it. We haven't needed the crib. Holt slept in his carseat for the longest time, then moved to the pack-n-play. But he sleeps on the couch now and he's about ready to start rolling over. So no time like the present to kick Hawkins out of the crib and make room for Holt.
And in all honesty, I know he will do great in the toddler bed. He loves to sleep. He loves his bed. And typically, he is obedient, when sleep is involved that is. And it scares me a little bit now that he is potty trained that he is going to wake up and need to go but he can't get out.
I had been searching and searching, trying to wait patiently on a firetruck bed. I found a few on Craigslist but the darn things would sell before I even knew they were listed. They're discontinued so purchasing one new (even if we wanted to spend that much) was out of the question.
It took some re-progamming of my mind but I started to entertain just "regular" toddler beds. I tried to reason with myself, "Sure, he would love a fire truck bed. But he doesn't even know they exist! He will be delighted over any bed." After convincing myself, I then had to work on Adam. Our compromise was that we had to get him some cool, fun bedding.
I found a white toddler bed on Craigslist that actually resembles the crib. While at Wal-Mart, we checked out some toddler bedding. The selection was minimal. It was Dora, Tinkerbell, Toy Story, or Spongebob. Nothing was priced so we grabbed the Spongebob and headed for the checkout. "$33.50!" I nearly fainted when she rang it up. It seemed like highway robbery to charge so much for the sub-par sheet set. I pleaded with Adam to leave it there, that I would come up with something better.
I found an oversized fleece transformer blanket that my Mom made one of the kids hiding in a stack of blankets. It fit perfectly! With the addition of the puppy pillow pet he got for Christmas, his bed was complete!
He was completely and totally thrilled over his new bed! He proudly showed it off to each member of the family. We tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. "How many times you think he's gonna get up tonight?" Adam asked me as we shut the door.
"I guess we'll found out soon enough!"
And in all honesty, I know he will do great in the toddler bed. He loves to sleep. He loves his bed. And typically, he is obedient, when sleep is involved that is. And it scares me a little bit now that he is potty trained that he is going to wake up and need to go but he can't get out.
I had been searching and searching, trying to wait patiently on a firetruck bed. I found a few on Craigslist but the darn things would sell before I even knew they were listed. They're discontinued so purchasing one new (even if we wanted to spend that much) was out of the question.
It took some re-progamming of my mind but I started to entertain just "regular" toddler beds. I tried to reason with myself, "Sure, he would love a fire truck bed. But he doesn't even know they exist! He will be delighted over any bed." After convincing myself, I then had to work on Adam. Our compromise was that we had to get him some cool, fun bedding.
I found a white toddler bed on Craigslist that actually resembles the crib. While at Wal-Mart, we checked out some toddler bedding. The selection was minimal. It was Dora, Tinkerbell, Toy Story, or Spongebob. Nothing was priced so we grabbed the Spongebob and headed for the checkout. "$33.50!" I nearly fainted when she rang it up. It seemed like highway robbery to charge so much for the sub-par sheet set. I pleaded with Adam to leave it there, that I would come up with something better.
I found an oversized fleece transformer blanket that my Mom made one of the kids hiding in a stack of blankets. It fit perfectly! With the addition of the puppy pillow pet he got for Christmas, his bed was complete!
He was completely and totally thrilled over his new bed! He proudly showed it off to each member of the family. We tucked him in and kissed him goodnight. "How many times you think he's gonna get up tonight?" Adam asked me as we shut the door.
"I guess we'll found out soon enough!"
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Holt is 3 Months!!
My precious boy, another month has passed. For a short while it seemed like life was in slow motion. It seemed like it took forever for you to reach 3 months. And for that, I was totally grateful because I know I will blink and I'll be sending you off to kindergarten. However, lately I feel as though someone has hit the fast forward button. You are growing and changing so fast now. If only I could locate the pause button!
*You are the happiest, talking-est, smiling-est baby. As long as you are not tired or hungry, you just smile and coo up a storm. It is the most adorable thing ever.
*You sing along with me when I sing to you. I like to hold you close and sing a song while touching your sweet face and you will coo back to me in harmony.
*You've found your hands and love, love, love to chew on them. You are very persistent in trying to fit your entire fist in there. But so far you've had no luck.
*You have pretty good head support now. We keep trying you in your Bumbo seat, but you're still not quite ready. A couple more weeks and you should be good to go.
*You can support your weight on your legs for a few seconds and really enjoy it.
*You've been successfully transitioned from sleeping in your car seat, though you gave me heck about it for the first couple of days. I chose to make the move while Dad was out of town and you were up and down all through the night for two days. You nap during the day in your pack-n-play (which is in my room) and sleep on the couch wedged between pillows at night. But we plan on getting your brother, Hawkins, a big boy bed this weekend which means you will be sleeping in the crib in the nursery with Hawk by next week!
*You're doing better with the whole neck muscle thing. You can actually turn your head from side to side now. But we can always tell when you are sleepy because you crank your head far to the left.
*Your face is really filling out! We've nicknamed you Chubby McChubsters.
*Your diet still consists of solely breastmilk.
*We went on our first really long road trip (16 hours) with you this past month and you did great! You stayed happy in your car seat for pretty much the entire trip.
*Most people say you look like Hayes.
*You are the happiest, talking-est, smiling-est baby. As long as you are not tired or hungry, you just smile and coo up a storm. It is the most adorable thing ever.
*You sing along with me when I sing to you. I like to hold you close and sing a song while touching your sweet face and you will coo back to me in harmony.
*You've found your hands and love, love, love to chew on them. You are very persistent in trying to fit your entire fist in there. But so far you've had no luck.
*You have pretty good head support now. We keep trying you in your Bumbo seat, but you're still not quite ready. A couple more weeks and you should be good to go.
*You can support your weight on your legs for a few seconds and really enjoy it.
*You've been successfully transitioned from sleeping in your car seat, though you gave me heck about it for the first couple of days. I chose to make the move while Dad was out of town and you were up and down all through the night for two days. You nap during the day in your pack-n-play (which is in my room) and sleep on the couch wedged between pillows at night. But we plan on getting your brother, Hawkins, a big boy bed this weekend which means you will be sleeping in the crib in the nursery with Hawk by next week!
*You're doing better with the whole neck muscle thing. You can actually turn your head from side to side now. But we can always tell when you are sleepy because you crank your head far to the left.
*Your face is really filling out! We've nicknamed you Chubby McChubsters.
*Your diet still consists of solely breastmilk.
*We went on our first really long road trip (16 hours) with you this past month and you did great! You stayed happy in your car seat for pretty much the entire trip.
*Most people say you look like Hayes.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Are You Smarter Than A Kindergartener?
I started cooking dinner and asked my darling husband to get the boys started on their homework. With a kindergartener and a first grader, it's not like you can just send them to their room to do their homework and expect them to complete it. It requires constant monitoring and lots of assistance. Adam sat with them and began working on it with them.
It was not much longer and he walked up to me with a really disgruntled look on his face and was holding Hayes' homework in his hand. I kind of expected the disgruntled look at some point since asking him to help the kids with homework is one step above asking him to change the kitty litter.
He read me the instructions at the top of the exercise. "I can't stand kindergarten homework! What the heck do they mean? What are all of these pictures anyway?" he began complaining.
"Just be smarter than the homework, dear. Afterall, it is intended for a kindergartener." I teased him.
He returned to the table to continue helping the kids. And as you can see from the picture above, they managed to figure out all the illustrations and to complete the assignment correctly.
After dinner, I picked up Hayes' homework for inspection. That's when I discovered this:
It was not much longer and he walked up to me with a really disgruntled look on his face and was holding Hayes' homework in his hand. I kind of expected the disgruntled look at some point since asking him to help the kids with homework is one step above asking him to change the kitty litter.
You must imagine this incomplete, without the lines. Since the picture was taken after the fact. |
He read me the instructions at the top of the exercise. "I can't stand kindergarten homework! What the heck do they mean? What are all of these pictures anyway?" he began complaining.
"Just be smarter than the homework, dear. Afterall, it is intended for a kindergartener." I teased him.
He returned to the table to continue helping the kids. And as you can see from the picture above, they managed to figure out all the illustrations and to complete the assignment correctly.
After dinner, I picked up Hayes' homework for inspection. That's when I discovered this:
Displaying the paper to Adam with my head cocked to one side I read the instructions back to him. "Sweetheart, 'Draw and label 3 pictures that (applying emphasis in voice) END with the L sound'." Driving the point home harder, I read "Lamb. Lock. Lamp. Hmmm." and scratched my chin.
Oh well! Looks like I'll be back to doing the homework with the kids. At least since he "hates kindergarten homework", I can conjecture that he will gladly dive right in to the calculus homework they'll be bringing home in a few, short years. Right?
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