Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas 2010

Santa visited the Schwartz residence and outdid himself once again.  At 6:30, we went to wake up Hawkins.  Adam carried him into the boys' room as he continually announced to them, "Santa came!  Santa came!"  Groggily but with more zeal than a school morning, the kids rolled out of bed and with anticipation and excitement, made their way into the living room.  Their eyes were as big as golf balls (Hawk's the size of tennis balls) and their mouths dropped in amazement as they took it all in.  After locating his stash of presents, Houston confessed, "Shoo, I thought I was gonna get coal."  A great time was had by all!

Houston got his Pokemon cards.

Hayes got his camo bear.

The best expression by far all day, Hawkins got dinosaurs.  It took the poor guy most of the morning to open his gifts because he was very OCD about the wrapping paper.  He would not even acknowledge the present until every last piece of gift wrap had been removed.

Houston had wrapped Dad a present and set it under the tree.  Turned out to be a silly band.

And Holt was just along for the ride.

The Christmas Chaos.  We spent the rest of the day in our pajamas enjoying our new toys.  Adam spent most of the day assembling.

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