Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas from the Kids

Christmas Eve (Dec. 23rd) Adam decided that he would like the kids to get us each something for Christmas.  He felt this would begin to teach them that Christmas is about giving.  We headed to Walgreens in seperate cars.  Our plan was that the kids would pick out something for me, Adam would check out and then hand the kids off to me to repeat the process for his gift.  While in the car on the way there, he asked the kids what they should get me for Christmas.  Hayes immediately shouted out "A Snuggie!"  Adam had them continue listing things to already have some ideas and speed up the shopping process.  Other items they came up with included a new car, a new house, and new make-up.  They settled on a Snuggie.  However grateful I am that I look like a package of cotton candy when persuing warmth, perhaps next time they could get the new car or the new house.  Both of which I would also be grateful for.

It was my turn to take the boys shopping for Adam.  We headed for the only aisle in Walgreens capable of producing a gift that would please Adam and at the same time complete distract the boys from the task at hand - the toy aisle.  On our way there, Houston announced that we should get Dad a fart machine.  However, as soon as we turned onto the toy aisle, all focus for Dad was lost.  They began picking out things to add to their last minute Christmas list.  Adam ended up with a Chia pet.

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