After seeing the exer-saucer at Holt's Mother's Day Out, it made me realize it was time to pull ours down from the attic. The attic is where everything at our house goes to die. I had been considering our exersaucer for several weeks but shuddered at the thought of uncovering it and then cleaning it.
Adam resurrected it from the attic. It was worse than I remembered. Apparently, the last baby in it, Hawkins, had eaten a biter biscuit in it. You know the ones that babies chew on and they disintegrate into a slobbery gooey brown mess? Yeah, and we hadn't bothered wiping it up before banishing it to the attic. To make matters worse, in the last 2.5 years that it's been in the attic, we've done a bit of construction in the attic and also our dryer vents openly into the attic. So the biter biscuit goo, now baked on, had collected lint and sawdust.
I just stared at the thing for a good four minutes, trying to figure out what in the world I was gonna do with it. I would be lying if I told you I did not consider just chunking the thing and heading to the store for a new one. I tossed it in the tub and went after it with some elbow grease and anti-bacterial soap.
Finished product:
He loved it! He played happily for a good 15 minutes. Began to make me wonder why we had not done this sooner?!
Since Holt, who has slept through the night since 3 weeks old, has decided to wake up every night for the past 3 weeks for a bottle, I decided to consult the doctor. Being solely on breastmilk, babies are not to begin solids until 6 months. Reluctantly, his doctor agreed that I could give him some cereal before bedtime.
I was so excited! I was beyond ready for a much needed uninterrupted night of sleep! Adam and I began our nightly bedtime routine. I announced to him that he would be feeding cereal to Holt. He replied with a smile, "There are only a few things in life I do not really enjoy doing, and feeding babies is one of them." Although, he was glad to help.
Holt loved the cereal! Adam had to adapt a method that kept Holt's hands out of his own mouth, off the spoon, and out of the bowl. He only caused cereal to splatter everywhere once. For his first time eating with a spoon, he (and Adam) did really well.
Here's to an uninterrupted night of sleep! I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!
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