Monday, April 4, 2011

Holt is 5 Months!!

Whoa, buddy!  You have really started to do some cool things.  You are still the happiest baby ever.  You love to smile and laugh.  Though mostly, you just laugh at Dad.

You love to play with Dad's facial hair.  I think it fascinates you.  Daddy will whisper in your ear and tickle you with his beard and you cackle up a storm.

You have developed pacifier ADD.  You can remove it from your mouth but almost as soon as it is gone, you are crying to have it back.  And then you repeat the cycle.

You have really started to play with toys and touch things within your vicinity.  It is so neat to watch your brain work and think.

You quit sleeping through the night.  (Not one of the cool things you are doing lately.)  You have consistenly gotten up every night for the last 2 weeks.  Fortunately, you just drink a bottle and go right back to sleep.  But Mom would prefer that you just sleep until 7 like you used to.

You've gotten really good at rolling over and you've found your feet.  You try relentlessly to get a piggie in your mouth but have not had success yet.

You have yet to spend a night in your crib.  Hawkins was sick off and on for about a month and I didn't want to expose you to it, since your beds are literally 18 inches from each other.  Once he got well, you quit sleeping through the night.  So, you still sleep swaddled on the big brown chair in the living room.

You are such a joy and bring such joy to our family!

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