Saturday, April 2, 2011


Apparently, Adam and I were feeling nostalgic today and didn't know it.  I decided to make a pound cake.  In the nearly ten years that we have been married, I think I have made a pound cake one time.  I got the batter all mixed up and it was almost instinctual for me to grab the food coloring.

You see, I had an Aunt Bobbie (in the green dress on the left, the other lady is my Nana) who always made pound cake -- delicious pound cake.  Whenever we had a family get together, you could rest assure that she would be bringing a pound cake.  As predictable as a turkey on Thanksgiving.  But what made her cake so special, other than it's yummy goodness was that she would always swirl the batter with food coloring.

As a child, I was always fascinated at how she got the color all the way through the cake.  I just could not figure it out!  As I began to swirl the food coloring into my own pound cake batter, I thought of my sweet Aunt Bobbie.  I began to think how much she must have impressed me, and I didn't even realize it until now.  How it would be a crime to bake a pound cake without colorful swirls!

So for my Aunt Bobbie....Hope I did you proud!

Also feeling nostalgic, Adam fixed himself a peanut butter, butter, and cheese sandwich for lunch.  In the nearly ten years that we have been married, I think he has prepared this sandwich one other time.  Around the lunch table, he explained to the kids how his Grandpa Schwartz would always eat these and Adam loved for his Grandpa to fix him one as well.  Adam took a bite of his creation and determined that some things just taste better when you're a kid.  However, none of our kids would agree to try it.

It's funny the little things that impress upon you as a child.  You don't know it in the moment, but you realize it later in life with your own kids.  It makes me wonder what I do that my children will cherish.  What will they carry on with my grandchildren?

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