Saturday, June 4, 2011

Holt is 7 Months!

You are growing like a little weed and changing every day.

You are sitting up now.  And you're really getting used to the whole upright thing.

You began holding your bottle when you were 6 months and 2 days old.  This has provided me with a little more freedom.  For naptime and nighttime, you will drink yourself to sleep with a bottle and drift right off to sleep.

You have become interested in playing with toys.  Mostly you just beat them on something and chew on them.  But oh how you love it!

You and Hawkins have done great as roommates!  Sometimes I get up in the mornings and from the baby monitor, listen to the "conversation" between the two of you.  Hawkins tells you stories about whatever his favorite toy is at the moment, usually a Bionicle and you babble and squeal right back at him in reply.

You've become mobile this month.  You were just rolling and twisting but now you actually scoot around a bit.  Enough where you stay within the same room, just not in the same spot.

We've added fruits and veggies to your diet.  You love carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, peaches, pears, and corn.  You eat squash but it's not your fave.

You can put your pacifier in your mouth, which I think is just adorable.

You're still just the happiest, smiling-est baby.  Houston and Hayes will oftentimes trek you around from one end of the house to the other and you're just along for the ride.

There's never been a kid on the face of the Earth ever more loved than you are!

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