Friday, May 13, 2011

Starting Solids

Since Dr. Owen gave us the go ahead on solids, Holt and I gave it a go tonight.  Actually, Holt got a jump start with a little assistance from his brothers.  We got home from running errands.  Hawkins set his bowl of chips on the floor.  At the same time, Houston unbuckled Holt, got him out of his car seat, and laid him on the floor.  I did not know any of this was happening.  When I passed through the living room, Holt had discovered the unattended bowl of chips.  He was chowing down on the Cool Ranch Doritos.  Probably not what Dr. Owen had in mind when he approved solids.

I snatched Holt up and swiped three dime sized pieces out of his mouth.  Needless to say when I introduced squash shortly after, he was not interested.  He tolerated a few bites and then proceeded to spit out every spoonful after that.  I guess the bland squash puree doesn't hold a candle to the highly seasoned corn chips.

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