Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hawk-ism: Breaking My Heart

Hawkins has been every part of three today.  He can be very assertive with his will -- especially when it comes to bossing his brothers around.  I tell everyone, "What he lacks in size, he makes up for in attitude."

I'm pretty sure his two older brothers had taken all they could handle of "Mr. Badd-itude".  It was pretty much evident by a whole lot of screaming (from said three year old) in the hall outside his brothers' room.  Apparently, they had banished him from their room.

At the top of his lungs, he managed to declare his injustices.  His brothers continued playing, ignoring the fact that he was even there.  Realizing that his growly bear method was ineffective, he resorted to guilt.  He quit yelling and started shedding tears.  Still nothing.  Then, he pulled out his pointer finger.  With one hand on his hip, and the other casting blame with the index finger, he stood outside their room crying.  "You're breaking my heart, Doo-den (Houston) and Hayes!  You're breaking my heart!"

Still nothing.  Better luck next time, bud.

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