Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Guest

Imagine my surprise when Adam announced that a summer guest would be arriving in just two hours.  It had been jokingly (and I stress jokingly) discussed several months prior--but never agreed upon.  And it was certainly never mentioned again.  This is probably where the old adage "better to ask forgiveness than permission" comes into play.  My husband knows I never would have agreed otherwise.  There's also something to be said for the "parent" of our guest waiting until the day of to "remind" us he was coming.  I'm thinking this was his guarantee of us not backing out on him.  Oh yeah, did I mention our guest for the summer is a snake?!  That's right...a snake.

Adam has always wanted a pet snake.  Judging from the picture below, it's pretty obvious how enamored he is over this reptile.  I'm quite sure he was never as awe-struck with the birth of any of his children.

Levi had the same effect on the boys.

Which kind of reminds me of...

So, for the next 8 weeks, we will be caring for a snake named Levi while his owner is out rebuilding homes and lives in the inner city.  Thank goodness Levi is nocturnal so I shouldn't have many run-ins with him.  It is amazing though.  I've lived in my house for nearly 8 years and never once have I seen a shoelace poking out from underneath a shirt on the floor and gasped.  Now that there is a resident serpent, I have mistaken a snake sighting four times already in just 4 hours.

And oh yeah, I failed to mention the best part.  I've heard a rumor that we get to feed Levi a mouse on Friday.  I can hardly contain my joy!

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