Today, Hawkins was playing right beside the cord to the vacuum and the outlet, which also happened to be just a few feet from the big red monster that eats dirt and cat hair.
I asked him if he would please plug in the vacuum. I had momentarily forgotten that he is scared of it. He nervously giggled at first, as he reached for the plug and stared at his greatest fear. He was torn between his fear of the vacuum and his desire to be a helper. He inched closer and closer, staring straight on at the vacuum the entire time. It's as if he thought it would miraculously turn on and suck his left foot off before having a chance to escape.
He found refuge behind the column as he sneaked his arm towards the outlet with the plug clasped in his hand, still not taking his eyes off the vacuum.
He got it plugged in. And surprisingly, he still has both feet attached. He even grinned with pride once the task was completed.
Wesley had the same fear. He would get upset we joked about him being an aborted baby in a previous life. The only way I could vacuum is to have him on my shoulders as I vacuumed. I think he thought he had a better chance of getting away if it started eating on me first.