Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dishes' Bubble Bath

The schools were closed today and Adam was not working due to all the snow we received.  So my darling husband decided to let me sleep in.   He even fed the kids breakfast so that when I awoke, I was not immediately surrounded by three starving little vultures.  Then, he cleaned the kitchen!  So sweet!  He is always willing to clean the kitchen, if I ask him.  However, it is very rare that he will just take the initiative to load the dishes.  I had used the last of the Cascade the night before.  Being the make-it-happen kind of guy that he is, he was not going to let some Cascade shortage impede his progress.  So he decided to handwash the dishes?  No, that couldn't be it.  A little Dawn dish soap couldn't hurt?  Could it?

I thought this only happened in the movies.  At least I got a mopped floor out of the whole mess.

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