Monday, February 28, 2011

Hawkins is 3!!

Oh, Hawkins!  You are such a full-of-life-and-laughter child.  It is so hard to believe that it's already been three years since we hurried to Houston's 4 year check-up just hours before having to be at the hospital for your scheduled arrival.  And, you were three weeks early!

It took a long time for your personality to come through, but my, how big it is now!  You didn't really start to talk much at all until after you turned two.  Therefore, you're vocabulary as quadruple-millionized in this last year.

Everything you do is just so funny.  You make the funniest expressions.  You repeat everything.  For instance, if we tell you that you're adorable, you reply, "No!  YOU'RE adorable!

I feel like just about everything "baby" about you has vanished, just in the last two months or so.  You sleep in a toddler bed, you're potty trained, you are great at riding your bike, you're becoming more mature (in a three year old way).

You are the bossiest of the boys.  You don't let Houston's or Hayes' age or size intimidate you.  Papaw says poor Holt doesn't stand a chance against you.  But you do love being a big brother.

You still have meltdowns when things don't go your way.  And you have the biggest crocodile tears anyone's ever seen!

You love to sleep!  Sometimes we can't find you and it's because you have sneaked off to your bed and drifted off to sleep.  You still sleep with Frog BB.  Guess that will be the next "baby" thing to go.

You eliminate the first letter of some words.
spoon = 'poon

You pronounce your L's as Y's
like = yike

You are a lover.  You adore hugs and kisses and you still request quite frequently that I hold you.  (Might have something to do with you being sick for nearly three weeks but I'll take what I can get!)

You still love to watch Dora the Explorer and now consistently ask to watch "Baha 'Quarepants" (Spongebob Squarepants)

And you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE pajamas!  You get so upset when you have to put "real" clothes on.  As soon as we get home, you ask permission to put jammies back on.  Your nighttime attire defines you for the night.  If you have on rocket ship pajamas, you run around the house with your arms stretched out in front while making blast off noises.  If you have on monkeys, you ooh ooh aah aah the rest of the evening.

You are confused about your age since your brothers keep telling you that you're zero (since you were born on leap day.)  But somewhere in those magical 6 hours between Feb 28 and March 1 is where your birthday fits in.  Next year, you will have a real birthday and it will be so exciting!

Happy Birthday, buddy!  We all love you so, so very much!

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