Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hayes Graduates Kindergarten

Hayes Alan, we are so proud of you!  You have worked so hard this year and done so well.  You can now read books such as Dr. Suess.  We still need to work on your handwriting a bit.  You tend to write quite large when given enough space.  And unlike your brother's graduation, I got your entire program on video.  (Sorry, Huey, just watch Hayes' and imagine your face sitting there--it was exactly the same anyhow.)

You were so adorable at your graduation program.  Basically, you guys sang a lot of really cute songs that detailed your year.  I don't think Houston let you get much sleep the night before because you were yawning through the entire thing.  But when you weren't yawning, you were grinning ear to ear, especially at the completion of every song, when you looked up at your audience of four (Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Papaw).  That really big Hayes-ie smile that lights up any room.
Here's to the cutest first grader that ever will be!

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