Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Holt is 6 months!!

A whole half year already!  And I still have to think really hard if your birthday is the 4th or the 5th.

*You're still on breastmilk (5-6 oz in each bottle).  I always wanted to make it to 6 months pumping, but never really imagined that I actually would.  Here we are and I am pressing on!

*You are beginning to get mobile, without scooting or crawling.  With all the rolling and twisting you do, you are never anywhere near where I left you on the floor.

*We started feeding you a hefty portion of cereal each night just before bed.  With that, we finally got you sleeping through the night again.  However, we can tell with your chunky legs (see picture left) that you have packed on the pounds because of it.  Since you're sleeping through the night again, you might actually move into your crib.

*You are an excellent napper, in true Schwartz fashion.  At naptime, I lay you in your pack-and-play on your tummy and you go right to sleep.  At nighttime, you still sleep swaddled.

*You reach for things in your perimeter--like a cup full of water on the kitchen counter that I walked past while you were on my hip.  You love to play with toys.  You've begun flailing your arms with a toy tightly grasped in your fingers, which results in you clobbering yourself in the face.  So, Mommy only lets you play with soft toys.

*You love to be outside.  While your brothers ride their bikes up and down the sidewalk, you will sit in your stroller for an hour and never make a peep.

*You have two bottom teeth.  The first one poked through on April 15 but when it was finally visable, the other was right beside it.

*You must receive about 15 zillion kisses a day (99% of those are from me).

*You love, love, love your toes!  And you are very vocal now.  You sing, squeal, babble, and blow zerberts constantly.  When you start babbling, your brothers take turns translating your "stories".

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