Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hawk's 3 for 3

This year for Hawkins' birthday, we decided to do something different.  We opted for a more low-key approach to celebration as opposed to the huge shin-digs that we usually put on.  We didn't spend half a day decorating an elaborate cake and another half day transforming our home with a theme nor spend two days cleaning the house for a bunch of guests.

The result ended with three separate "get-togethers".

February 28th (his real birthday)
Birthday #1 with the 6 of us
We all headed to Incredible Pizza Company for an evening filled with pizza, games, rides, tickets, and ice cream.

I left the camera behind.  So, cell phone pics are the best we've got.  We returned home for cake and presents.

When Hawkins was done opening his presents from us, Houston asked, "Um, is that all?  Or is there a really big surprise?"
March 3rd
Birthday #2 at Grandma and Grandpa's

The suspense of the presents was killing Hayes.
And a rice krispie treat and chocolate milk for a birthday treat.

March 5th
Birthday #3 at Grammy & Papaw's

He wasn't sure what to think.  But it didn't take him long to figure it out.

I'd say he had an excellent birthday (or three)-- even if he is only 9 months old.  (Leap Day baby joke)

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