Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break Day 2

This morning we headed out early for an open gym at Pump It Up.  When I called to inquire about it, they told me that playtime was 1.5 hours long.  That did not seem like a lot of time.  But I knew the kids would really enjoy it.  Twenty minutes in, it felt like we had been there forever!  I began to wonder if we were even going to make it through the full 1.5 hours.

But we prevailed.  Thankfully, our friend Abby joined the kids.  There is no way I could have done it.  #1 because I had Holt on my hip the whole time and #2 I am too old to be dodging in and out of obstacle courses.  The boys gave Abby a run for her money!  I don't think there was ever a time where one of them wasn't holding her hand and begging her to go with them somewhere.

Hawkins pretty much just liked the big slide.  He must have gone up and slid down a hundred times -- maybe only a dozen of those were without Abby.  Bless her heart.

We stopped by the donut shop for a quick snack on the way home.

And because it's Spring Break, we shook things up a bit with the Wii ticket.  Since their room looked like this:
A bit of tidying was necessary.  And yes, that is Houston hiding behind the black duffel bag.  He did not want his room documented on the blog in its current condition.  Now if you look closely, it really isn't that messy.  It does look a wreck, but there isn't that much to clean.  Knowing my kids, I gave them a 4 hour head start on their Wii ticket.  They have been cleaning their own room for nearly 4 years.  They are seasoned pro's.  This should have been a less than 30 minute job.  Two hours later, it was nearly in the same condition.  They needed a little physical motivation, if you know what I mean.  And voila!  30 minutes later...
We tried a new recipe for dinner, which happens to be low fat.  The kids gobbled down the Asian meatballs.  We served them up with edamame (which the kids adore) and a side of udon noodles, plain for the kids and pad Thai style for the grown-ups.

We finished off the evening playing Mario Party 8, one of Adam's birthday presents.

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