Saturday, March 12, 2011

Super Saturday

I really would like to have a photography business one day in the near future.  I figure this might be a great option to help me feed these four boys, especially in a few years.  However, this is out of my comfort zone.  I have been talking about this business for three years.  I have finally decided to make a conscious effort in that direction.  Since I am forcing myself to venture out and really practice my photography, I had contacted an old friend from high school to photograph her newborn.  She was delighted to have a free photo shoot.  That week, I wanted to call and cancel about a hundred times.  But, I stuck with my convictions and had a successful shoot and a great time!

When I returned home, I was excited about continuing with practice and the boys were begging to ride their bikes.  We headed down to the park for some bike riding time and a milestone 4 month photo shoot with Holt.  While I stayed behind the camera, the boys were so patient and Adam was the best assistant one could ask for.

It wasn't long and it was time to head to f.i.h.n. (fun in His name).  We used to run this ministry at a gymnastics facility years ago but stepped down once we had more kids.  We were filling in for the new directors, who were out of town.  Holt had been awake for most of the day.  We chose to take him with us, betting on the sleepy boy to snooze through the entire three hours.  Not the case.  However, he was really good and it was not a problem.

It was a busy day for us all but we had so much fun!

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