Sunday, October 17, 2010

Priddy Farms

Ever since we moved in our house, we have noticed a "farm" right down the road that advertises pumpkins and Christmas trees every year.  The name of it is Priddy Farms.  We've never taken the kids there, but during the Fall/Christmas season, their yard and driveway stays packed with cars.  Last year, one of the Priddy kids was even in Houston's class.  Today was a beautiful day and thought it would be a perfect time to take the kids and see exactly what Priddy Farms was all about.

We rode on what must be the dustiest hay ride ever, towards the back of the property where their pumpkin patch is located.  The kids enjoyed the ride and were relatively cooperative with me snapping pictures along the way.  Once that was over, the kids had a blast playing on the gigantic Noah's Ark, all the different swingsets, and vehicles.

As it began to get dark, we asked the kids to get ready to leave.  Houston, being an excellent helper, had to literally drag a screaming Hawkins all the way across the yard.  We picked out the biggest pumpkin on the lot (literally) and we all headed home.

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