Today I am 35 weeks and 3 days and in for another check-up. At my last week ultrasound, they did a BPP (bio-physical profile) on the baby. As best as I can understand it, the test monitors how well the baby is doing inside the womb and predicts how well he will do on the outside. A perfect score is 8 out of 8 but a 6 out of 8 is still passing. They check 4 specific things and score two points for each one passed. H4 scored a 6 out of 8 because he failed the breathing portion.
My doctor, being the perfectionist that he is (and I am thankful for that) ordered a repeat ultrasound today to see if H4 would pass the breathing. The ultrasound tech monitored him for a long while. I had to roll from this side to that and nudge him like crazy. All to no avail. We still failed the breathing. My doctor says there is no need to worry--his heartrate is still good and his movement is great. I just tell everyone that he is lazy and is already making me do everything for him.
So, next Monday I will again have an ultrasound to see if the little guy is breathing. I think the most disheartening news of the entire visit was that he gained a full pound from last week. He now weighs approximately 7lb 10oz (birth weight of Hawkins). Slow down H4--it's not a competition!!
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