Adam was working late today and the littles were getting restless. I was trying to hold out for him to arrive so we could begin our family weekend. Earlier in the week Houston had seen a volcano on television and Adam told him that they could make one this weekend. Of course the kids, knowing Friday begins the weekend, could hardly contain themselves waiting for tardy Dad.
I remembered I had some Halloween cookie cutters and decided to whip up a batch of the salt dough ornaments for the kids to decorate. At least this would keep them occupied until Adam got home. Everyone was rolling, cutting, molding, etc. After cutting out a few "cookies" each, they decided it was more fun to sculpt as if the dough were play-doh. (Sure wish I had snapped some pictures but I was right in the mix). Shortly after, Adam got home and focus turned to the volcano.
After putting Hawkins to bed, the big boys helped Adam create the volcano out of paper-mache. I was totally impressed how they got right in and got their hands dirty. Typically my kids do not like getting messy--go figure. (Again, wish I had snapped some pictures.) Hayes was excited to help Dad smooth out the strips. It wasn't long before Houston grew a little bored and wanted to begin molding his own volcano. With a little encouragement, we re-directed his focus back to the family project and in no time, the volcano was complete. Time to let it dry. Let the painting of the volcano and the ornaments commence tomorrow!
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