Friday, November 4, 2011
Holt is 12 Months!!
So, we had a pretty busy month and I kind of neglected to write down your achievements from this last month. And since I am writing this on the eve of your 13th month, that doesn't help much either.
Here's what I can say in all certainty...
Not much changed this month. You're getting better at standing unassisted. You're up to twenty seconds or so without falling down. You like to practice walking while holding on to both of my hands.
You've become a bit of a food snob. You no longer eat bananas. I guess I've fed you too many of them over the last few months. However, you love to throw the chopped up pieces on the floor. Your brothers think it is hilarious. In fact, this is what you do with all of your meal-time offerings that you decide not to eat.
You are drinking a few whole milk bottles a week as I am beginning to wean me and you from breastmilk. You don't seem to care one bit which I'm not going to lie, saddens me a little. However, it is great that this transition is easy for you.
You have perfected the 'stink eye'. You are constantly furrowing your brow at things/people/situations that displease you. I'm afraid that I taught you this because that was one of my silly faces that I used to flash you. I just hope it doesn't sink all the way into your personality. That could cost you a lot in therapy down the road. Oops!
You're still a Mommy-addict. We're in the process of searching for care groups to curb this pattern of behavior. (sarcasm, people) No really, but we are researching some kind of child seat hip implant. We figured that would save my arms from falling off having to hold you all the time. Unfortunately, the implant is only available on the black market as of yet. Something about the titanium coating on the four inch bolts, that are manufactured in Taiwan, which have the ability to cause dysentery.
You're still not talking. Not even Mama or Dada. You make those sounds when you're babbling but it doesn't mean anything, yet. Everything is 'eh' or 'uh'. And if you really, really want something, it's 'eh, eh, eh". I can't wait for verbal skills! Well, at least, 'Mama'.
I guess I did a good job remembering afterall! Your Dad and I, along with all your brothers, love you so, so very much. We are so blessed to have you in our family. I can't believe this first year has come and gone so quickly. We look forward to this next year as we really get to see your personality begin to blossom. You will learn to navigate the world on two feet and to speak up for yourself. And trust me, around here, that is very important! This next year will be full of so much adventure. Just wish there was a way to slow it all down.
You are wonderful in every way and there is nothing your Dad or I would change about you!
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