Friday, July 1, 2011

Hayes' First Tooth

We learned from experience when Houston had his first wiggly tooth that it actually could take months before the tooth is actually ready to come out.  Of course, this lesson was taught by several missed attempts at yanking the tooth out prematurely.  So we were a little more prepared when Hayes' first tooth began to wiggle.

If you didn't already know, Hayes is far more tender and sensitive than Houston.  About once a week I would call Hayes over to inspect his tooth's "wiggliness".  He would remind me every time, "Not hard, Mom.  Just do it gently, right on the top."  Then he would close his eyes, hold his breath, and cringe every time.  After a few back and forth motions, he would immediately pull away.

I had just inspected his tooth a few days prior, and it did not seem that it was anywhere ready yet.  It had a good wiggle to it, but certainly was not haning on by just a thread, yet.  I took the two big boys to work with me today.  Grammy fed them lunch and then sat with them while they swam.  When it was time to get out of the pool, she noticed something different about Hayes.

He had a gaping hole in his mouth.  "Hayes!  When did you lose your tooth?"  He had no idea his tooth had come out.  He either swallowed it at lunch in his peanut butter sandwich, or it is in the pool.  This was definitely a blessing in disguise.  There's no telling what measures he would have made us go to when it was actually time to extract the dangling baby tooth.

The whole idea of the tooth fairy seemed to weird Hayes out.  Since he shares a bedroom with his older brother, he knows the tooth fairy has been in for multiple visits.  However, since the tooth fairy was coming to see him this time, it made him a little worried.  He had asked Adam earlier in the day, rather nervously, "Does the tooth fairy come in our room every night looking for teeth?"

That night, when it was time for bed, we wrote a note for the tooth fairy, since there was no physical evidence to leave behind. 

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost my tooth in the pool while I was swimming and I don't know where it went.  Please can I have some money?
Love, Hayes

Houston made sure we didn't neglect to make a point of asking him/her to leave money behind.  The kid is shameless.  The tooth fairy deposited $5.

It actually breaks my heart a little a lot because I have also learned from experience that once those big teeth grow in, your baby no longer looks like a baby.  He looks like a boy.

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