Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ice Cream Truck

The big boys had an ice cream truck visit their school today.  Notes were sent home in advance so that the children would be prepared with money.  I sent each boy with $3 and instructions to return any money that they did not spend.  Houston spent every bit of his $3 (no surprise there) and Hayes returned some money to me this afternoon (no surprise there).  I let Hayes put his extra in his piggy bank.  It is so funny to see how their own characters and personalities show up in every facet of their lives.

This afternoon the big boys went on a bike ride around the neighborhood together.  Hawkins, Holt, and I were sitting outside enjoying the weather while Halle napped inside.  We could start to hear "It's A Small World" playing off in the distance.  Hawk's ears perked up.  Holt was oblivious because he has never experienced the magical ice cream truck.  Hawkins froze in anticipation of the truck as the tune grew louder and louder.  "Can we get some ice cream?" he asked very sweetly with his batting big blue eyes.  What he didn't know, is that when I heard the ice cream truck, I was already planning on getting them ice cream.  I don't think he actually believed that my answer would possibly be 'yes' because when I spoke it, his response was, "Really?!"  It was as if he were actually saying with his one word response, oh my gosh Mom, you never ever say yes.  Did I really just hear you say yes?  Or did I imagine it because I want ice cream so badly?

He jumped up and ran to the curb and began waving his arms, to which mini-me followed suit, though he had no clue what he was actually doing.

The truck was still far down the road but they stood there waving those arms like a survivor on a life raft off the Titanic.  At this point, Holt was feeding off of Hawk's excitement.  Little man could tell that something really mind-blowing was about to take place.  I pointed out the rows from which they were allowed to make their selection.

With ice cream in hand and the giddy kind of smile plastered on their sweet faces, we all headed back up the driveway to take a seat and enjoy their treat. "Mommy, is the ice cream free?" Hawkins inquired. He seemed satisfied with my simple, "No, baby." as he licked his sour cherry bar. Then after a few moments of silence and a couple licks later, "Wouldn't it be cool if it was free?!"

I've already mentioned in this post how Holt is Hawk's mini-me.  He does everything any of his big brothers does, but specially Hawkins.  The other thing you must understand about this dynamic is that Holt argues with Hawkins about everything, even the simplest of things.  Case and point follows:  Holt points at his popsicle and says, "Boo!"  (translation: Blue).  Hawkins corrects him, "No, Holt-y, it's green."  "No!  Boo!"

"HOOOOOOOOOLT!  It is GREEEEEEEN!"  "No!  Booooooooo!"

Holt spotted an orange cap peeking out from under my car and conceeded this battle (for now).  And once he acquired said orange cap, he cared no more for his sour watermelon that was quickly vanishing in the mid 80s temperatures.  I actually had to bribe him to continue eating his ice cream.  What's wrong with this picture?  I bribed my child to eat ice cream?!  I wanted the sticky red face picture.  Don't judge!

Though poor sour watermelon mostly just melted into a puddle of red goo, the boys enjoyed their once-in-a-lifetime occasional visit from the ice cream truck.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I have no idea how to rightfully resurrect a blog but I am going to give it an honest try.  I do wish at some point to go back and update on the highlights that are missing over my hiatus.  I haven't figured out exactly how to do that yet. But I will let you know.

It was never my intention to take such a long break from blogging, but somehow it's been nearly two years since I maintained it at the volume that I desired.  I truly enjoy it and see the priceless value of it as a journal for my children.  I like to imagine that one day they will cherish it.  But I do have 4/5ths boys, so that might be wishful thinking.  And if not, I blog for me and Adam.  If you are a parent, then you know just how quickly these tiny moments are fleeting.  This is my opportunity to stamp these precious memories into forever.  And I also blog for you, family and friends, who like to keep up with the Schwartz happenings.

So let's review how our family has changed in the last two years:

Houston is now 9 and wrapping up 3rd grade.  His growth is still off the charts.  (He wears a men's size 10 shoe.)  He is still quite the talented artist.  "I'm full" was spoken by him never in the last two years.  He is thankfully a fantastic assistant.  He has a compassionate heart towards others.  He is an early riser.  He loves to help in the kitchen, especially when baking muffins.  He is a video game wizard and speaks fluent British.

Hayes is 8 and finishing 2nd grade.  He is still our peacemaker and tender hearted seeker of justice.  He despises when anyone is wronged.  Hayes tears up easily.  All you have to do is tell him something really sweet or something remotely sad.  Like I said, tender hearted.  He adores all things hockey and would rather play with any actual toys than something electronic.

Hawkins is 5 and will be starting kindergarten in the Fall.  The kid has one volume...LOUD!!  He is energetic, wild, spontaneous, fun-loving and ornery.  He is particular with his outfits.  His clothes have to fit just right -- not too loose, not too tight, not too long, not too short or a full out fit will erupt.  He is a picky eater and every bit of the stereotypical pesky little brother.

Holt is 2.5.  He hasn't grown into his big head yet but he is the smiley-est little boy ever.  He is a slow talker but doesn't let that stand in his way of attempting to boss his brothers around, especially Hawk.  His nickname is Captain Destructor.  If left unsupervised for any period of time, he just might leave you a wake the size of Kansas.  He loves to pretend cook with plastic food or real food scraps.  He freely gives and receives hugs and kisses, and is completely attached to his little lamb stuffed animal named Hammy.

And Halle.  Our blessed surprise from heaven.  We were oblivious to the enormous hole we had in our family until she arrived and filled it.  She is the center of all the attention and affection around here.  The boys argue for a turn to cuddle with her.  She has chubby baby goodness for thighs and cheeks.  She loves, loves, loves to sleep.  When she is awake, she is either singing, smiling, bouncing or a combination of those three.

Rebekah.  We said good-bye to our beloved family pet just one short month ago.  Poor kitty stuck it out through thick and thin with us.  She has been here since the beginning.  She was a gift from Adam when we first started dating in 1997.  We have had many pets over the years, but she is the only one that we hung on to.  She was never a lap cat but when she wanted affection, she would come find you.  She mewed in the wee hours of the mornings and move articles of clothing around the house as if they were her kittens.  She loved to play with anything small or stringy.  She would impatiently wait every morning to polish off the milk in the bottom of my cereal bowl.
And finally, the addition of Mercedes.  Oh my!  There is much more to this story that I will update later.  But for now, she is a red tail boa and is approximately 4 feet long.  She joined our household September of 2012.  She is the fulfillment of one of Adam's childhood dreams and the embodiment of all my childhood adult fears.  I still can't bring myself to touch her, much less hold her.  I told Adam one day, "I still don't get the point of owning a snake.  She just stays curled under her rock all day long.  She is so boring."  He very wittingly replied, "Well dear, would you rather that she be highly active?"  Point taken.

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